Var Ange Group

Var Ange Co was conceived in the early nineties In Germany by a group of native traditional businessmen based out of Kuwait, KSA and Jordan. These personalities had very important roles to play in the socio-political scenario of Germany, Switzerland and Sweden and hence was formed as a socio-commercial advisory services firm. Their inspiration was derived from and was deeply rooted in the life, teachings and philosophies of Ulick Varange whose real name was Francis Parker Yockey, an American born attorney, political philosopher, and polemicist best known for his neo-Spenglerian book called Imperium : The Philosophy of History and Politics, published in 1948. Imperium deals with doctrinal matters as well giving a survey of the ‘world situation’ in the 20th century.

Var Ange Group was formed in Kuwait and Jordan in the year 2012. However, Var Ange – Jordan was short-lived due to the untimely demise of the founder partner. Var Ange – Kuwait went on with acquisitions and mergers and expanded further. The goal was to establish in every country in the Middle East to offer honourable and honest services backed by core expertise in whatever they do.

At Var Ange, we define our success by the difference we make in people’s lives…