Var Ange Group


At Var Ange, Corporate social responsibility is an ongoing effort that we take very seriously. We believe that the success of every organization is powered people who embrace the global principles of corporate social responsibility and building a customer trust.

  • Our commitment to our customers, employees, and to every person that we impact is to always strive to meet the ethical, legal, environmental, commercial, and social expectations of how a company should conduct business and conduct itself in general.
  • Going beyond just welfare and charity, at Var Ange CSR is a way of life. Our business objectives are deeply integrated to be always in line with what is good for the community. 
  • Driven by our commitment to the society in the country wherever we go,  we aim to design and implement training programmes to develop, support and contribute towards social initiatives engaged in skill development of the local community.                                                                    


Over the years we have actively participated and contributed to several activities that enforce the same.